Grand Tour of Villa and Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Tour route of the Renaissance villa and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Access to the chateau garden is free of charge within this tour.

The first part (60 minutes) is the same as for the main tour route. After a tour of the villa the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is accessed via the garden. Visitors are acquainted with the history of the place and with the circumstances of the creation of the chateau grounds. Visitors learn about the history of the place and the circumstances of the creation of the complex. There is a detailed explanation of the stucco and painted interior of the Church. The epic Passion Cycle was painted by Georg Widman.

Opening hours

Period Days Hours
1. 9.-30. 9. tue–sun 9.00 – 15.30
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 9.00 – 15.30
28. 10. mon 9.00 – 15.30
29. 10. tue 9.00 – 15.30
30. 10. wed 9.00 – 15.30
31. 10. thu 9.00 – 15.30
1. 11. fri 9.00 – 15.30
2. 11. sat 9.00 – 15.30
3. 11. sun 9.00 – 15.30
4. 11.-31. 12 closed
1. 1-31. 3. closed


Czech guide tour
  • Adults 25 up to 64 years 280 CZK
  • Seniors 65+ 220 CZK
  • Youth 18 up to 24 years 220 CZK
  • Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 220 CZK
  • Children 6 up to 17 years 80 CZK
  • Children under 5 years free
  • Person accompanying a disabled person free
  • Person accompanying a school group of 15 pupils/students free
  • Guide accompanying a group of at least 15 persons free
  • Seasonal NPÚ ticket free
  • Single NPÚ tickets free
  • NPÚ card free
  • "Náš člověk" card * free
  • * Valid only for one person (card holder)

Other tours

Tour of the Renaissance villa. Access to the chateau garden is free within this route.

this tour is not available today

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE 200 CZK (full admission) 2F500991-B0F5-4AC5-9B90-2BBFBDCDFC45 Buy ticket

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 60 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 25 people

Group reservation needed for groups only

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Tour of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary for organized groups with reservation only. There is a free entrance to chateau garden within this route.

this tour is not available today

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE 80 CZK (full admission)

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 15 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 50 people

Group reservation needed

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Free-flow Entrance to the castle garden without guide

this tour is not available today

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE single admission 60 CZK, without guide (full admission)

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 20 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 333 people

Group reservation not necessary

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